The github project link
# The Project
This project is a simple way to convert pdf files to cbr.
Developed in python.
Depends of rar linux program and pip.
# How use
The program has two folder in root directory, put all your pdf files in the convert folder, run the program and the cbr file will be created in the converted folder.
# How run
Enter in the folder os project and rum command on terminal.
# Dependencies
apt install python python-pip poppler-utils rar
pip install pdf2image
pip install pathlib
# System minium resources
In Linux : 2gb ram.
# Known issues
On this version i didnt treat the conversion pages from pdf, so we need add the minium os 2gb of ram, if the pdf is more bigger you probaly need more ram.
# Any Help
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quarta-feira, 25 de setembro de 2019
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